Центр международных программ
Code of Conduct

As all universities, ours also has some rules and regulations for the students to follow. Once you become a part of our community, you undertake to follow the rules given below:

- students must wear white coats while they are in classes;

- students must attend all mandatory classes on their study plan;

- students must follow the Charter, internal regulations and rules of living in the dormitory.

Copyright © КрасГМУ - Кафедра латинского и иностранных языков г. Красноярск
Разработчики: Россиев Д.А., Россиев Д.Д., Изместьев В.В., Булатова К.А., Гаврилюк О.А., Зотин А.Г., Ковалева В.Н. - 2010. Данный сайт работает на портале 'VMEDE.RU'