Scientific Research Laboratory of Medical Cybernetics and Healthcare Management
The Laboratory was founded as a student laboratory in 2014. It provided practical trainings and supported students who took part in Student Research Society activities for ‘Medical Cybernetics’ specialty. It was reorganized into a scientific research laboratory in 2017.
Currently, the Laboratory includes a manager and a laboratory assistant. Artyom N. Narkevich, Doctor of Medical Science, is in charge of the laboratory since its foundation.
Educational work:
- practical training and research study for students (from 3rd to 6th year, ‘Medical Cybernetics’ specialty);
- workshops about statistical research for students, teachers and young scientists of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University;
- preparation of handbooks and video lectures about the use of statistical research methods in medicine;
- scientific student guidance during final qualification works preparation (for students studying in Medical-Psychological-Pharmaceutical faculty, “Medical Cybernetics” specialty);
- teaching 1st year postgraduate students how to use medical statistics in scientific research work.
Scientific work:
- scientific research implementation in medical cybernetics and healthcare organization fields; the results of these studies are then published in articles, and computer programs are registered;
- grant application forms preparation for competitions and subsequent implementation of the supported projects;
- reviewing thesis works by 2 task groups: 1) ‘Health and Health Care. Hygiene. Bioinformatics’ and 2) ‘Human and Animal Morphology’;
- reviewing the majority of articles for ‘Siberian Medical Review’ journal to assess the quality and relevance of statistical research methods application;
- supporting ‘Siberian Medical Review’ journal’s website; providing technical examination of all submitted articles;
- management of the ‘Antiplagiat.VUZ’ system for plagiarism search in students’ graduate qualification works, thesis accepted into Dissertations Board, articles for the ‘Siberian Medical Review’ journal.
The main research areas of the Laboratory are:
- use of statistical methods in biomedical research,
- development of application programs and artificial intelligence-enabled mathematical models for the use in medical field.