Центр международных программ
ID: 192516
Папка: Practical lessons
Lesson 13. X-ray radiation. Application of X-ray radiation in biology and medicine


- P.800, CH 28.

  1. What is X-ray radiation?
  2. Explain the structure of the X-ray tube.
  3. Explain the characteristic X-ray spectrum.
  4. What is coherent X-ray scattering?
  5. Tell us about the use of X-rays in medicine (fluoroscopy).
  6. Explain X-ray bremsstrahlung and its energy spectrum.
  7. What is incoherent scattering (Compton effect)?
  8. Tell us about the use of X-rays in medicine (radiography).
  9. Why does bremsstrahlung X-ray radiation have a continuous spectrum and a sharp boundary on the side of short wavelengths?

10.Explain the photoelectric effect observed when X-rays interact with matter.

11.Tell us about the use of X-rays in medicine (tomography).

12.What is X-ray structural analysis of biological objects?

13.Explain the law of attenuation of X-ray radiation.

14.Tell us about the use of X-rays in medicine (X-ray therapy).

15.What is X-ray diffraction by spatial structures?

16.What are the degrees of protection against X-ray radiation?

17.What are the characteristics of X-ray radiation?

Copyright © КрасГМУ - Кафедра латинского и иностранных языков г. Красноярск
Разработчики: Россиев Д.А., Россиев Д.Д., Изместьев В.В., Булатова К.А., Гаврилюк О.А., Зотин А.Г., Ковалева В.Н. - 2010. Данный сайт работает на портале 'VMEDE.RU'