Центр международных программ
Папка: Новости
Meeting with the Head of the KrasSMU Center for International Programs (EN)

KrasSMU Center for International Programs is working every day to cooperate with universities and organizations all over the world.

Why? Because we want our students to become international-level specialists

We invite you to come to the Department of Latin and Foreign languages (Mira Street 70) on Wednesday (06.10.2021, 5pm) to meet Oksana Aleksandrovna Gavrilyuk, Head of the KrasSMU Center for International Programs and learn about this year's international events and competitions.

Copyright © КрасГМУ - Кафедра латинского и иностранных языков г. Красноярск
Разработчики: Россиев Д.А., Россиев Д.Д., Изместьев В.В., Булатова К.А., Гаврилюк О.А., Зотин А.Г., Ковалева В.Н. - 2010. Данный сайт работает на портале 'VMEDE.RU'