Sensitivity of сomputer esthesiometry on distal parts of the upper extremities at patients with hereditary neuropathy Сharcot-Marie-Tooth
Medical and Health Science Journal, 2011, Volume 9, pp. 25-30
Natalia Shnayder, Elena Glushchenko, Elena Kantimirova, Diana Dmitrenko, Ekaterina Kozulina, Vladimir Maksimov
Sensitivity of сomputer esthesiometry on distal parts of the upper extremities at patients with hereditary neuropathy Сharcot-Marie-Tooth
The purpose - to define the diagnostic importance of computer esthesiometry for use in diagnostics of hereditary neuropathy with primary defeat of myelin sheath of peripheral nerves of the upper extremities. Materials and methods: 47 individuals in a condition of relative health (control group) from 21 to 50 years, comparable group - 40 patients from 6 to 81 years, with hereditary neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). Vibrating sensitivity investigated by means of computer vibrometer «Vibrotester MBN» VТ-02-1 (MBN, RF) in a wide strip of frequencies of vibration (8, 16, 32, 64, 125, 250, 500 Hz). Statistical data processing of research is lead by means of programs STATISTICA v. 7.0 (StatSoft, USA). Results and discussion: We compared received corridors vibrating sensitivity on the upper extremities for healthy volunteers with those at patients with CMT. Statistically significant increase of vibration sensitivity thresholds in a wide range of vibration frequencies on upper extremities and at patients with CMT versus healthy volunteers is shown. Computer esthesiometry method demonstrates high sensitivity in diagnostics of hereditary neuropathy with primary damage of myelin sheath of peripheral nerves of upper extremities on an example of CMT.
Vibration perception, computer esthesiometry, hereditary neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT)
Medical and Health Science Journal, MHSJ
ISSN: 1804-1884 (Print) 1805-5014 (Online) Volume 9, 2011, pp. 25-30