Центр международных программ |
KrasSMU is a regional coordinator of 55 projects in the Siberian Federal District. In 2016, the University submited 18 projects and of these, two projects were ranked as the best ones.
On May 16, 2016, Professor A. B. Salmina received the Scopus Award Russia as one of the nine most cited Russian scientists who contributed to the development of national science.
In 2016, according to the results of the competition held by the RF President Council on Grants , the project of the the Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky KrasSMU research group, under the direction of Professor A. B. Salmina, received a grant of the State Support Program for the Leading Scientific Schools of Russia in the nomination "Medicine" (in 2016, in this nomination, 10 leading scientific schools of our country received a grant from the President of the Russian Federation).
The project examines the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance in brain tissue in chronic neurodegeneration. This is the second grant from the President of the Russian Federation according to the results of the leading scientific schools competition, received by the team led by Professor A. B. Salmina (the first project was successfully implemented in 2014-2015).
Anna Viktorovna Raguleva, Head of the Scientific Department, Elena Anatolyevna Teplyashina, Head of the Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, Candidate (PhD) of Biology, Associate Professor, and Tatyana Viktorovna Storozheva, Secretary of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work interact with the structural units of the University.
The Vice-Rector for research oversees student science. Student Scientific Society exists in KrasSMU since its inception. In September 2014, in order to improve the work with young scientists and students, the activities of the KrasSMU Student Scientific Society were reorganized. By order of the Rector, a new structural division was created-the scientific and educational center "Youth science". Nadezhda Mikhailovna Markelova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, is the head of the division.
Postgraduate education is the highest form of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel training. It is carried out in accordance with order No. 1259 of the the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science "On approval of the organization and implementation of educational activities for educational programs in higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school".
KrasSMU prepares graduate students in the following areas:06.06.01 "Biological sciences"; 30.06.01"Fundamental medicine"; 31.06.01 "Clinical medicine";32.06.01"Medical and preventive care";37.00.00 "Psychological sciences." Postgraduate studies include 37 profiles.
During 2014-2018, employees, doctoral students, and graduate students of the University defended 38 doctoral and 115 candidate (PhD) theses. In 2018, 7 doctoral and 21 candidate (PhD) theses were defended.
Successful completion of dissertations is ensured by careful selection of candidates for postgraduate studies. As a rule, theу are members of student scientific societies and resident doctors. All dissertations are carried out in accordance with the plan of KrasSMU research work. The effectiveness of graduate school in recent years is at 46%.
Since 2014, the G-MedEx international network interaction program has been launched. The partner of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University in this program from the Japanese side is the medical faculty of the Niigata University (Japan). The program implementation period is from 2014 to 2018. The educational program includes two sub-programs: higher professional medical education and postgraduate studies.
In 2015, two full-time post-graduate students were admitted to the post-graduate school of KrasGMU using online forms of educational programs within the control figures for the training areas 31.06.01 "Clinical medicine" and 30.06.01 " Fundamental medicine" (profiles respectively are 14.01.17 "Surgery" and 14.03.03 "Pathological Physiology"). Also, these graduate students successfully passed entrance exams at the Niigata University School of Medicine and were enrolled in a postgraduate program of study (PhD).