Центр международных программ
Current Partners
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Cooperation is maintained with universities and clinical centers of Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and countries of the CIS. Among the key partners there are universities of Niigata and Kanazawa (Japan), Berlin (Germany), Toulouse (France), Ottawa (Canada), Turin (Italy), Klaipeda (Lithuania), Bristol (Great Britain) and Institute of Medical Genetics (Italy).

Since 2010, KrasSMU has been collaborating with the World Federation for Medical Education and the Association for Medical Education in Europe. More than 20 foreign scientists are honorary professors or visiting professors of KrasSMU. Presently, two visiting professors from the University of Kanazawa (Japan), a honorary professor from the University of Niigata (Japan), two foreign researchers (Iran, India) and three associates who obtained their PhD abroad (in Japan) work at the University.

Since 2014, implementation of the G-MedEx Japanese-Russian educational program started for the first time in Russia with participation of Niigata University (Japan) and medical universities of Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok (Russia). Within the framework of the program, subprograms of student exchange, of bilateral scientific practice of students and of dual degrees in postgraduate studies were implemented. The programme was supported by the Government of Japan. As the coordinating university for this program from the Russian side, KrasSMU hosted all four subprograms with emphasis upon educational projects in microbiology, morphology and pathology.

Since 2011, a total of seven international centers and laboratories have been launched at the premises of KrasSMU. Today the University has the following international centers and laboratories:

–Russian-Japanese Laboratory of Microbiology and Metagenomics (in partnership with Niigata University);

–Russian-French associated laboratory “Coevolution Man-Environment in Eastern Siberia” (in cooperation with the University of Toulouse);

–Russian-Canadian laboratory of biomolecular technologies (in collaboration with the University of Ottawa);

–Russian-German training center for Anaesthesiology and Respiratory Support;

–Russian-Lithuanian Scientific Laboratory for Psychocorrection and Psychoprophylaxis of Functional and Emotional States (in collaboration with the University of Klaipeda);

–Russian-Italian Medical Genetics Laboratory (in collaboration with the MAGI-group);

–Modern Microscopy Methods Training Room (in collaboration with the NIKON company, Japan);

In cooperation with other educational and research departments of the University, international centers and laboratories of KrasSMU form an infrastructure for effective implementation of scientific-educational projects with foreign partners in the following priority fields: clinical microbiology, medical anthropology, morphology, medical biotechnology, medical bioengineering, medical biophotonics, integrative neurosciences, medical genetics, molecular oncology, molecular and translational medicine.

Copyright © КрасГМУ - Кафедра латинского и иностранных языков г. Красноярск
Разработчики: Россиев Д.А., Россиев Д.Д., Изместьев В.В., Булатова К.А., Гаврилюк О.А., Зотин А.Г., Ковалева В.Н. - 2010. Данный сайт работает на портале 'VMEDE.RU'