Центр международных программ
Папка: 131 леч
The Central Nervous System
1. What is the nervous system?
2. What are neurons and what do they do?
3. How can the Nervous system be divided?
4. What is the CNS comprised of ?
5. What is the main function of the CNS?
6. What does the peripheral nervous system include?
7. What is the main function of the peripheral nervous system?
8. What sensory organs do you know?
9. How are the brain and spinal cord protected?
10. What is the structure of a neuron?
11. What is synaptic cleft?
12. What types of neurons are there?
13. What can you say about the human brain?
14. What are meninges?
15. What role does a Cerebrospinal fluid play?
Copyright © КрасГМУ - Кафедра латинского и иностранных языков г. Красноярск
Разработчики: Россиев Д.А., Россиев Д.Д., Изместьев В.В., Булатова К.А., Гаврилюк О.А., Зотин А.Г., Ковалева В.Н. - 2010. Данный сайт работает на портале 'VMEDE.RU'