Центр международных программ
Авторизация - ВХОД



Team Olympiad contest is held from October 14th through Novermber 5th 2017. Every team registered by 10th october 2017 has to present to the organizing committee (send to one of the following email addresses: kmits@mail.ru or oksana.gavrilyuk@mail.ru) a 3 - to 5- minute video in English on one of the following topics: (1) “Reasons to Become a Doctor” / “Reasons to Become a Pharmacist” (motivation video for applicants to medical university/ pharmacy school); (2) “Life as a Doctor: Challenges and Benefits” / “Life as a Pharmacist: Challenges and Benefits”; (3) “In Medicine, English is not a Priority, it is a Necessity”. The video should be presented to the organizing committee by November 5th 2017 (23:59 Moscow time). Video messages of all the participants of this round are to be placed on websites of the universities – organizers. Assessment of the works presented for the team Olympiad contest is made by the jury according to the parameters approved by the organizing committee and brought to the attention of the Olympiad participants in advance (for more detail, please, contact the organizers). The Olympiad jury consists of the experts – members of the EMC and an international experts. Results of the team contest are summarized by the Olympiad jury and they are posted on the websites of the universities - Olympiad participants by 7th December 2017. As a result of team contest the following two types of teams-winners are defined: a) the winners of the competition - teams that prepared the video messages (films) which scored maximum points based on the assessment of the jury and the expert; b) the winners in the special categories («Creativity», «Scientific approach», «Quality of presentation» and «Personalized interpretation»).

- Requirements to the work

- The Team Contest Criteria

- Jury

- Sample Videos

- List of participants

- The Works of the Team Contest 2017

- The Results of the Team Contest
